E4: A Conversation with Dentist Career Coach, Dr. Laura Brenner.

“There’s a fine line between hating your job and hating your career.”

Listen up.

Two dentist friends discuss signs of burnout,  the importance of community, and how to course-correct towards a sustainable path where you can apply your skill set within and/or outside of dentistry.

Key concept: Isolation breeds shame.

Key question: Can you identify your transferable skills?

Laura invites you to a one-day, virtual conference packed with speakers and networking opportunities to explore how other dentists have leveraged their education and training.  Virtual means that all of our international listeners are able to gain access!

For all things Laura Brenner:

Website: https://lolabeescareercoaching.com/

FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dentistsidegigs

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/drlolabees/

NEXT Dentist Career Change Conference: https://www.scoutacareer.com/schedule-registration/


New episodes drop on Mondays.



E5: Career Capital Gains.


E3: Associate Dentists & Product Managers.