E19: Dopamine Snack, Rest.
A Guided Yoga Nidra Experience.
“Relax… let go… It’s time to dare to rest…”
Listen up.
A Guided Yoga Nidra Experience by Dr. Diana Liu
If this is your first time tuning in to the show, welcome!
Be sure to check out the full catalog of deep dives, guest interviews, and solo episodes. And while you are there, you may want to indulge and listen to the two full-length episodes dedicated to the amazing contributor of today's Snack, Dr. Diana Liu, Part 1 & Part 2. Before a career in dentistry, she worked as a financial analyst and led a life of fast-paced productivity, which led to many accomplishments but also contributed to struggles with insomnia. Diana is someone who has come to understand and study the power of rest and sleep, and now applies that expertise to her practice in dental sleep medicine, as well as her dedication teaching yoga nidra to dental colleagues.
Today's snack is a feast!
It is 24 minutes of deep rest.
Please enjoy this during your lunch break as a way to refresh your DENTAL BRAIN, to help you prepare for patient care and interactions to come. Or immediately after work to refresh your DENTAL SOUL, so that you may integrate into home life feeling like you have more to give and more to live. You may also want to play this before bed to quiet your DENTAL MIND if you are having difficulties falling asleep, or even in the middle of the night if you are experiencing sudden awakenings and could use some gentle help to fall back asleep.
This is a great download to have readily available for any time you dare to rest.
IMPORTANT TIME STAMP, go straight to yoga nidra experience @2:43.84
Journey Into Your Wild Heart Retreat June 24-29, 2021.
Say hi on Clubhouse @zentist
Follow her on Instagram @the.zentist