Trailer: The Why



Trailer: The Why

Speakers: MK Harris, MD & DP Harris, DDS.

MK: What are you trying to solve with this podcast?

DP: Sometimes as associates, we see ourselves as slightly powerless and helpless because we’re not the practice owner. At times we believe this myth that, “It’s not my office, I’m not the owner, I can’t do anything about this. So, what’s the point?” I can relate to that negativity and I’m confident that it resonates with someone listening to this right now. I mean, thoughts are thoughts, but if we stay in that mindset, nobody wins.

So, I want the listener or to see the problem more along the lines of: how do I build career capital when I am not the practice owner so that I can thrive in my profession?

MK: So, how do you find a solution?

DP: I want to approach this as a solvable working problem, first off. And approach it in a simple, fundamental way. I want someone listening to ask: what are my talents, my aversions? What’s my personality? How is my body working? Or perhaps even under performing?

I want someone listening to ask: what sparks my drive to explore? To learn? To challenge myself? The tone of the show is going to be straightforward, analytical. And it has to be honest.

MK: Is there anything that you’re not going to talk about?

DP: Yeah, that’s a good question.

I’m not interested in discussing shortcuts, hacks, or rants. We are going to discuss what we experienced while we’re on the clock, but off the clock.

So that when we are in the office, we are present, we are where our feet are. We’re in a particular mindset and ready to contribute.

MK: And what transformation are you hoping to see?

DP: The transformation that I want to see in the audience of the show, in our community, really, is for us to feel calm about going to work the night before work. And understand that we have the tools to use throughout the day to solve challenges as they present. That we’re capable. And when we go home to the rest of our lives, we’re not haunted by the day.

Ultimately, we want our work life to be a positive influence on our home life.

We’ve all had those experiences and they feel awesome!

So the goal is to have those experiences more and more frequently.


Dr. Harris is an experienced Dentist who believes in elevating others so we can all participate, contribute and thrive. She has practiced in AZ, CA, CO, NY, WA.


01: How Many Dentists Are Non-Owners & Why Didn’t I Pass Pablo and Fabian?